Transnational Corporations Review
Current location:

Supported by a large number of experts from North America, Europe and China, Ottawa United Learning Academy (OULA) and Denfar Transnational Development are developing a series of projects related to transnational corporations (TNCs). These include: a) a journal, Transnational Corporations Review (TNCR); b) the TNCs and China Conference; and c) A ranking of TNCs in China. TNCR has successfully published a number of issues since 2007, and the first TNCs and China Conference took place in Ottawa, Canada that year. Because many participants were interested in convening in China, the second conference will be held in Xi’an, China in 2010.

OULA and Denfar seek parties interested in participating in any of these special projects, and domestic and foreign institutions and businesses wishing to sponsor them. The contributions of sponsors are acknowledged and greatly valued. More information is available for
 download in Chinese. Enquiries are also welcome at