China has established itself as one of the key players in the international trade and investment arena in the world. The country has surpassed Germany and the United States to become the world’s largest exporter. China also has become the world’s second largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) as well as the largest source of outward FDI (if Hong Kong is included). The significant driver of China’s original integration into the global economy was its export-led growth strategy. Since the onset of its open-door policy in the early 1980s, China has made attraction of export-oriented FDI an essential element of its development strategy. As production prices have surged and growth rates have dropped in recent years, China’s export-led growth model based on low costs is widely seen as outdated.
Rising land and labor costs (especially in the coastal area), tightening regulations (such as environmental regulations) and currency appreciation have gradually eroded China’s comparative advantage in low-skilled exports. If China is to avoid a middle-income trap, scholars believe that Chinese firms will need to move into in higher-value-added and higher-skilled activities, and the economy should be re-balanced by moving from an export-led growth strategy towards a consumption-led growth model.
Over the last several years, China has introduced multiple policy initiatives to help orchestrate its economic rebalancing act. In 2013, China’s leadership launched the One Belt One Road Initiative (OBOR), which aims to connect major Eurasian economies through infrastructure, trade and investment. In 2015, it unveiled an ambitious ten-year reform initiative called “Made in China 2025”, which aims to redirect its manufacturing industry towards more innovative, high-tech sectors of the economy.
The Symposiums aim at building friendly connections between scholars and journal editors; exploring effective interactions from research to submit, review and publish scholarly works; and promoting academic publications at an international level. In linkage to international research and journal publishing, the workshop proposes a topic for discussion related to foreign direct investment with global integration of Chinese economy. Its target groups are experts and scholars from universities, research institutes, think tanks or relevant fields at home and abroad. Selected papers will be given presentation and/or discussion for publishing purpose.
Participation and Submission
Participants are encouraged to submit your research work as early as possible. The deadline for soliciting contributions: full papers to be submitted before August 31, 201 (Saturday) for the workshop at Jilin University and October 31 (Thursday) for the workshop at Zhejiang University. Papers can be written in Chinese or English (English preferred) and should have not been published anywhere. After the submission, the symposium will invite experts to screen the submitted papers. The acceptance emails and invitation letters will be issued to the submitters.
Format requirements: All papers should be submitted via email. The submissions in A4 in Word file should include a page with the title, abstract (about 400 words), 5-7 keywords, and author(s) information (up to 300 words, including names, affiliations, correspondence address, zip codes, telephones and e-mails). Submissions in English should be submitted according to the guidelines at www.tandfonlinie.come/rncr.
Paper submission: please send your papers or reports to the following email address: tncrjlu2019@126.com for the workshop at Jilin University and tncr_zju@163.com for the workshop at Zhejiang University (邮件标题: 投稿作者+单位+论文题目). For the submissions in English, please cc to tncr.special@gmail.com (Email title: Special workshop: author+paper title).
Important Notes
Special Support: The Symposiums are especially supported by the School of Economics at Jilin University and the School of Economics at Zhejiang University. After the Symposium, outstanding English papers submitted/presented will be selected by the Guest- Editors and Editorial Board for an external review for Special Issues with SSCI-listed journals. The published special issues will be sent to the policy specialists in government and exports in relevant international organizations.
All papers will go through anonymous review process before publishing.
For questions and suggestions related to international participation and papers in English, it could also be contacted at the Transnational Corporations Council of Studies (TNCCS)’s editorial office at tncr.special@gmail.com.