2020 Cornell Conference on Digital Economy
Zhejiang University’s China Academy of Cross-Border E-Commerce
Transnational Corporations Council of Studies
eMNCs vs. aMNCs, Competing in a Digital Era
Special Issue Call for Papers
Since the turn of the century, it has become a digital era. In addition to traditionally multinationals from an advanced world (aMNCs), the expansion of emerging market multinationals (eMNCs) in a digital world has been remarkable. In other words, aMNCs, eMNCs and ebusiniess linking to information systems (IS) and Information and communications technology (ICT) have ventured since the 1960s, but it is only after the turn of the century that this global expansion increased significantly.
The eBusiness from eMNCs is giving tough competition to developed world aMNCs. The eMNCs' power and impact has increased considerably and many of them have become household names involved with a digital world. The eMNCs play an important role in global eBusiness and economy. eBusiness, eMNCs and aMNCs have become a popular subject of research.
Featured by the digitization and digitalization largely from aMNCs and eMNCs, scholars argue that we are at the fourth technology revolution, along with industrialization and globalization. With a mixture of eBusiness from aMNCs and eMNCs, Asia Pacific has become the global leader with the Internet users and digital consumers. This links to studies on digital infrastructure and effective regulations.
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