Transnational Corporations Review
Current location:
TNCR Looking for Assistant Editor/Manager
Source: | Author:tnconline | Published time: 2019-01-26 | 3503 Views | Share:

The Ottawa United Learning Academy (OULA), a non-for-profit organization, is looking for an Assistant Editor and Assistant Manager, jointly with Denfar Transnational Development (Denfar), a small business in Ottawa for joining the editorial team to work on the Transnational Corporations Review (TNCR,, an academic journal related to international business, management and economics, published by Taylor & Francis at  

TNCR is an international journal dedicated to providing economic, policy, and business analysis of current issues related to transnational corporations, foreign direct investment, institutional innovation, and international development. While preferring to consider senior graduate students in international business and economics related fields, any newcomers with international development backgrounds and experience and professionals who are interested would be welcome to join this family-like team. The payment and reimbursements depend on the candidates’ experiences and capacity. The potential candidates could be working with the TNCR team on:

- Maintaining/coordinating the online submission system.  
- Promoting/marketing the regular/special issues globally.   
- Preparing/developing the relevant materials/information for posting/updating
- Conducting/managing the projects-related communications and documentations   

On a flexible part-time basis with the possibility for a long-term employment (if mutual interest), the OULA/Denfar would like candidates with the following qualifications in general:

- Strong background, experience and skills with journal practice.
- Demonstrated capacity in professional/academic English review related to international economics and business materials
- Proficient in Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Acrobat and the Internet
- Master’s degree or above in relevant fields (preferable)
- Mandarin speaking is an asset

Along with its partners, a start from the internship by applying for the Ontario Employment Grant for senior graduate-level students could be available.

For more information, please visit our website at If interested, please send your CV with a cover letter, and sample(s) of published/reviewed/edited material to (attn.: Jen).

(Updated: January 2019)