Transnational Corporations Review
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跨国公司与中国发展:挑战与机遇 - 2014 重庆
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2014 重庆“跨国公司与中国发展:挑战与机遇”






  • 跨国公司、对外投资与制度创新
  • 世界经济与财经研究
  • 新兴经济体在全球经济发展中的作用
  • 经济发展与科技进步
  • 发展经济理论和制度经济学
  • 对外投资、全球发展战略与海外并购
  • 全球化背景下的中国能源经济管理
  • 国际市场营销、人力资源与管理
  • 跨国公司与跨文化管理
  • 全球化电子商务
  • 全球化与农业发展
  • 研发与创新管理全球化
  • 国际贸易与投资政策
  • 国际创业与中小企业国际化
  • 服务行业全球化
  • 跨国公司社会责任与可持续发展
  • 跨国公司在中国的发展和管理
  • 跨国公司全球供应链管理(物流、货源、采购等)


  • 美国哥伦比亚大学可持续国际投资研究中心
  • 欧盟(德国)跨国公司研究中心
  • 联合国贸发会议投资分析中心


大会会将所录用的论文或摘要印发给与会者;并从录用论文中遴选部分论文,由《跨国公司评论( TNCR )》以英文或中文正式出版,进入相关索引,包括EconLit、EBSCO 、PreQuest、SSCI-CPCI等。对优秀英文论文将由会议学术委员会推荐有关SSCI期刊发表。论文提交请通过电子邮件发送到编辑部)。有关论文格式,请参考TNCR“作者指南” 。每篇论文不超过15页或5000英文单词(单倍行距12磅带字体宋体,包括论文、参考文献、表格和图形等)。封面页包含论文标题、作者姓名,单位与联络方式,如通讯地址,电话和有效电子邮箱等。同时,要求附上每位作者150字左右简介及近期护照尺寸大小照片。如果是中文论文,必须有英文标题,英文摘要(约150个单词)和英文关键词( 5 – 7个)以及作者简介(各约100单词)和详细联系信息。


  • 论文全文提交:2014年5月31日
  • 会议日期:2014年 7月7日-8日(星期一至星期二)



  • 国内参会每人1500元,大陆以外参会每人300美元。2014年3月31日之前注册享受20%优惠。注册费包括会议材料、会务活动、会议午餐/晚餐、咖啡和茶点等,但不包括旅行及住宿费用。
  • 会议论文编辑出版和索引等费用按出版期刊要求,由录用期刊另行收取,不包括在会议注册费中。


  • 刘  星:会议主席,重庆大学
  • 龙  勇:会议执行主席,重庆大学
  • 汤建民:会议顾问和协调人
  • 程  颖:会议秘书,重庆大学
  • 袁  泉:海外出版索引负责人
  • 江  风:会议协调人 (海外)


About SEBA, CQU and Chongqing

Founded in 1929, Chongqing University (CQU) is one of the key national universities affiliated to China’s Ministry of Education. It is also one of the National “Project 211 and 985” Universities supported by both central and local governments. Located in Chongqing, CQU is a significant cultural and educational center with major industry and commerce base in the Southwest China, as well as an important economic center on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. Created in 1937, the School of Economics and Business Administration (SEBA) is one of the influential business schools in the country. Its first president is Professor Yinchu Ma, a well-known economist and educator, graduated from Columbia University in the United States. SEBA has become a high-level management and economics training base in the Southwest China. It includes one national key discipline, Technical Economics and Management, three post-doctoral programs (business administration, management science, applied economics), and three doctoral level programs. Moreover, the School has seven professional training and eight undergraduate majors. SEBA is currently developing a National Social Science Innovation Base - Chinese Academy of Development Economics. Both CQU and SEBA are currently collaborating with a number of international partners for academic exchanges and institutional development.

Chongqing University, one of key national universities affiliated to the Ministry of Education of China Located in western China, Chongqingis surrounded by Daba Mountains (north), Wu Mountains (east), Wuling Mountains (southeast) and Dalou Mountains (south) Chongqing, formerly romanized as Chungking,a major city in central China and one of the five national central cities in China


Established in 2008, Transnational Corporations review (TNCR) is supported by the Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment at Columbia University in the United States and the Investment Analysis Center at UNCTAD at Geneva. It is a scholarly journal dedicated to providing economic, policy, and business analysis of current issues related to transnational corporations, foreign direct investment, institutional innovation and international development. The journal emphasises on development in emerging economies, like China, India, and Brazil. As a modern journal in economics and management, TNCR is working with the reviewers, advisers, and authors for 22 countries mainly from North America, Europe and China. The journal is regularly indexed by ALJC, AMICUS, CrossRef, EBSCO, EconLit, RePEc, Scopus, SSRN, etc. Since its establishment, the TNCR Board has successfully collaborated with a number of partners for international conferences, such as 2007 in Ottawa with Nankai University and MOFCOM, 2010 in Xi’an with Northwest University, 2011 in Beijing with Central University of Finance and Economics, 2012 with Wuhan University, and 2013 with State University of Maringa in Brazil.