Transnational Corporations Review
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拥抱数字世界 探索数字经贸 欢迎转发诚邀参与数字经济与贸易 SSCI 特辑
Source: | Author:TNCCS | Published time: 2022-02-11 | 773 Views | Share:

概 述: 世界贸易组织 (WTO) 需要改革,需要包括数字经济、信息技术和跨国数据流动新规则。WTO 改革尚未形成全面议程,制定电子商务与数字经济规则应被视为该议程重要组成部分。此类规则的制定出尽促进世贸组织等国际机构迎接管理数据流挑战和机遇所具有的功能。本期特辑旨在展示数字经济发展及其WTO等国际组织协调与政策合作相关理论与应用研究最新成果。

Proposed Topics

  • Digitalization and digital transformation of firms

  • Brands going overseas and the protection of intellectual properties

  • Cross-border e-commerce and digital transformation

  • Definition and measurement of digital trade

  • Gigital agricultue and agricultral trade

  • Digital infrastructure and the global digital divide

  • Global management and governance of digital economy

  • Intellectual property and policy issues on digital technologies

  • Local storage and cross-border flows of data

  • Platform business, economy and its regulation

  • Preferences and behaviors of consumers in the digital time

  • Rules and standards for digital trade

  • Welfare and privacy protection of consumers


Important Timelines

  • March 31, 2022: Abstract (300 words) with effective email, affiliation, and bio information.

  • May 31, 2022: selected draft paper will be notified

  • June 10-12, 2022, Selected papers will be invited to present to a special workshop (virtual or in-person, more information will follow)

  • July 31, 2022: final papers to be submitted

  • December 31, 2022, publication planned

Contact Information

Please note: The journal is open accessed and selected submissions go through a strict peer review process with revisions following the publisher’s guidelines.
For questions or suggestions, please contact Transnational Corporations Council of Studies (TNCCS) at