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Geopolitical Risks and Transnational Corporations: the Case of the Ukrainian Crisis
Source: | Author:TNCCS | Published time: 2022-04-01 | 1278 Views | Share:


Geopolitical Risks and Transnational Corporations: 

the Case of the Ukrainian Crisis


Guest Editors

Professor Xiaotong Zhang, Fudan University

Professor Érick Duchesne, Université Laval

This special issue aims for a better understanding of the geopolitical risks that confront multinational companies, in general, and how they can adjust to the sanctions imposed on Russia, in particular. The extent literature on the impacts of international sanctions on MNCs is wide, yet lacks focus. The sanctions imposed on Russia is a unique opportunity to revisit the issue from the point of view of different disciplines or, preferably, from a multidisciplinary outlook. For instance, the business literature focuses on the micro-level operations of companies, whereas international politics literature emphasizes the macro geopolitical environment, without paying sufficient attention to micro-level operations of companies. State-to-state relations in regard to the imposition of sanctions deserve a new outlook as well. This special issue would contribute to building a bridge between economics, management and world politics to gain a better understanding of geopolitical risks that face firms in times of heightened international tensions.


Topics to Research


Keeping all the elements discussed above in view, the proposed special issue at the Transnational Corporations Review (TNCR), a SCOPUS indexed journal, will offer the opportunity to authors to contribute to disseminating knowledge on geopolitical risks. Contributors can then propose their research papers exploring following and related topics:


· Definition and underlying causes of geopolitical risks and how to predict and mitigate them.

· Methodological approaches to the studies of geopolitical risks and economic diplomacy.

· Political Economy of Transnational Corporations.

· The geopolitical risks of the Ukrainian Crisis on transnational corporations.

· The impact of international economic sanctions on transnational corporations.

· The geopolitical and financial risks facing transnational corporations.

· Spillover mechanisms from geopolitical crisis to economic crisis.


Submissions and Deadlines


We invite potential contributors to submit their research paper immediately for a fast track review process. The deadline for accepting submission for the special issue would be no later than April 30, 2022.


We would encourage potential contributors to submit an abstract of about 300 words as soon as possible. Your submission should include effective email and affiliation of the corresponding author and biographic information. The abstracts will be assessed by the guest editors of the special issue along with the editors of the TNCR. The contributors will be notified within one week for comments or suggestions, including the acceptance or rejection.


The publication is expected for June 2022. The subject line to submit an abstract should be “S.I. Ukraine.” Please note that the acceptance of abstracts doesn’t necessarily imply the acceptance of the paper. All submissions will go through a substantial double-blind review and revisions on a fast-track process.


Additional Information


For more information about submissions, please look at You’re also welcome to contact us

  • For academic-related questions in Chinese (Prof. Xiaotong Zhang:

  • For academic-related questions in English (Prof. Erick Duchesne:

  • For submission-related questions (Assistant Editor Jen Ma: