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Call for Papers: Divestment of Global FDI Inflows and Outflows
Source: | Author:TNCCS | Published time: 2021-01-23 | 2301 Views | Share:

Call for Papers

Divestment of Global FDI Inflows and Outflows

Guest Editor:

Emeritus Professor Badar Alam Iqbal


The concept of international divestments is much less developed than that of foreign direct investment (FDI). In general, it is emphasized that studies on foreign direct divestment [FDD] are limited due to the sensitive nature of the issue. Some scholars argue that few topics are as sensitive and secretive in the business world. Moreover, the reason for this sensitivity is not difficult to discover. Divestments, because of their typically damaging effects on workers and communities, are, as the words of a former British Prime Minister, “the unacceptable face of capitalism.” Neither companies nor governments are particularly anxious to expose that face to rigorous scrutiny. FDD inflows and outflows become a global phenomenon. It does affect the business performance and national development.


FDD remains understudied and poorly understood. The upcoming call for papers serves a better cause for international divestment of FDI inflows and outflows at an international level. Major issues relating to FDD, including conception and application, will be discussed in order to provide with clear understanding of the concept and behaviours, including inflows and outflows of FDI divestment. Academicians, policy makers and corporators across the world who are interested in these issues are invited to examine these issues from different aspects. While scholars may have freedom to select any relevant topic to examine, the following topics could be welcomed:


· Conceptual studies on FDD;

· Types of international divestments;

· Impact of divestments on economic development;

· Trends in divestment inflows and outflows;

· Issues of international capital flows and FDI;

· Manufacturing chains and networks from multinational perspectives.


Important time framework


· Deadline for the paper submission: April 20, 2021

· Evaluation process and acceptance of the papers: July 31, 2021

· Proposed publication: December 2021


Submission of papers: The potential authors may submit their proposals and papers to the guest editor through email below for initial review:


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