Special Issue for the Impact of COVID-19
on TNCs and FDI in Global Business and Economy
The COVID-19 has become one of the worst ever viruses that the mankind witnesses across the world. The outbreak of COVID-19 came up in Wuhan, one of the major cities of China and the first case reported on December 1, 2019. The number of cases affected by COVID-19 has been more than one million with over 50 thousand deaths across nearly 200 countries in the world by March 2020. Scholars are bound to examine the nature, contents and impact of this virus on global business and economy in short-, medium-, and long -terms. The COVIS-19 has directly affected on the global business and economies, especially from transnational corporations (TNCs) and foreign direct investment (FDI), including the global supply chains, which is the serious concern in developing economies. It also becomes an issue to be taken into account the role and contributions of TNCs, along with FDI, which are controlling more than two-third of the global economy, in overcoming the COVID-19.
The emerging trends arising from the persisting virus has resulted into a heavy loss across the global business and economy. It is particularly urgent to examine the role of TNCs from both developed and developing economies in struggling for the economic and business losses and rebuilding the world. It is imperative that academicians, policy makers, and analysts are asked to examine critically and in depth in issues, such as job losses, drastic reduction in purchasing power and supply chains. This could be the reason on a call for papers to be issued to look into a variety of aspects of COVID-19 on international business and economic activities. This special issue carrying out by the Transnational Corporations Review (TNCR), a SCOPUS indexed journal published by Routledge is to serve this cause. The authors may contribute their research papers on the listed topics (not limited to the list). The authors may go beyond these topics with the condition that the contents remain in line with the theme of this special issue.
• Outbreak, spread, and patterns of the COVID-19 linking to development, trade and investment;
• Issues and trends of the COVID-19 related to TNCs and FDI in rebuilding global business and economy;
• Global perspective related to the COVID-19 for international investment and development;
• Historical perspective related to the COVID-19 for international trade and global values chains;
• Impact of the COVID on TNCs and FDI from global agri-food and manufacturing chains;
• Impact of the COVID-19 on TNCs and FDI from both developed and developing economies;
• Emerging trends in Job losses and supply chains in developed and developing economies;
• Role and contribution of TNCs in recovering the global business and economy from the COVID-19;
• Implications for TNCs and FDI in both developed and developing economies;
• Strategic policies on FDI to meet the issues and challenges of the COVID-19.
It is suggested to submit a proposal by May 31, 2010 [The proposal received will be responded within a week]. The deadline to submit a full paper is July 31, 2020. The planned publication is for December 2020.
To submit a paper, please review the guidelines at www.tandfonline.com/rncr. For more information about this special issue, please contact Dr. Badar Alam Iqbal at badar.iqbal@fulbrightmail.org; dr.iqbal@monarch-university.ch and/or tncr.special@gmail.com.